Official Plugin Meet new people

Find near people sorted by proximity using geolocation and other filters

Requires Belloo 4.0 or newer.

Plugin Settings

Browse people without profile photo
Allow users to browser and view other users without profile photo

Profiles search result count
Count of profiles to show per page on every new search
Recommended 28 result

Charge credits per page view
Everytime user browse to the new page, charge credits for load the new information
Leave it to 0 to no charge credits

Only premium users can see results
Enable to allow only to premium users search for people in the meet section

Blur profile photo
If only premium users can see results is enabled, you can enable this feature to blur the profile photo of the result user

Only premium users can see online users
Enable to allow only to premium users to see online people in the meet section

Show me everybody
Allow user to filter by "Show me everybody" which means all genders/niches of the software

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